Despite having different curl types, patterns and desired styles, the texture diversity system can create the perfect foundation of every head of natural hair. The Texture Diversity System is rooted in healthy haircare, and products, as a lifestyle in order to build sustainable beauty practices. With a deep-seeded foundation of professional education, our company debunks the myths of natural styling while introducing a less is best method for the maintenance of textured hair.

Understanding Texture
Hair types differ wildly from one person to the next. What works for one individual’s hair—or even your own children’s hair—might not work for yours. Curly/straight, thick/thin, long/short … you get it.
Whether they're tightly coiled or loose and wavy, curls are ultimately beautiful no matter how they grow. But not all curly hair is created equal. Every texture behaves differently—and understanding your unique curl pattern is the first step to keeping your hair in tact.

Many commonly prescribed prescription drugs can cause temporary hair loss, trigger the onset of male and female pattern baldness, and even cause permanent hair loss. Your doctor may not mention hair loss as a side effect of some drugs, so don't forget to do your own research and read the drug manufacturer's complete warnings. Your pharmacist can provide you with this information even before you fill a prescription.